
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I think I need my smile cracked

I was on my way home today, and for some reason, I started thinking of all the things that make me smile, maybe you can relate to some of these.
1. Hot Air Balloons in the sky
2. When people fall, and try to regain some dignity.
3. Watching someone sing every word and hit every beat on the steering wheel while they are in their car.
4. Geriatric PDA.
5. Making someone feel special.
6. A good song that describes exactly what I want to say.
7. Pictures of the summer.
8. Reading entries from my diary I kept when I was 16.
9. Corny Jokes.
10. Sitting on a beach.
11. Driving out in the country as the sun is setting.
12. People in line at the Post Office.
13. Letting my brother play me his country love songs so he can perform them for his girlfriend.
14. Finishing a project.
okay I guess there are alot, so I will stop there.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Summer has come and Gone

So here it is fall has begun. I could tell when Halloween decor came out but I didn't really believe it when it was still 70-80 degrees out. I don't want to face the frozen tile on my bathroom floor as I race to get into a the hot water of the shower, so I hit snooze, which is a blessing and a curse, for I abuse my snooze button.
It is cold here. It's the kind of cold that seeps up your nose and hurts your forehead. It's funny because I was just watching people walking into the store today and they all have a twisted tense body as their little legs are rapidly walking trying to not look as cold as they feel. This weather does something to the sunlight, I don't know how to explain it but I can't stop taking pictures of everything lately. I am driving and I literally have a camera handy so I can stop and take pictures. The light is just so beautiful and crisp. The downside to that is that I can't stop just anywhere, for example on I-44 can't just stop in traffic that is cruising at 70 to capture the sunlight beaming over the skyline of trees. Don't ask me where this ridiculous obsession with pictures came from. I am not quite sure, maybe when I found out that I was able to put 200 of them on a cd and it's only 2.50 @ Wal-Mart.
I recently visited my sister and her husband Derrick up in Binghamton NY. It was a 16 hour drive and we drove through the night, I had my first Red Bull, and later found myself laughing histerically with my mother who had just downed a Rock Star.(needless to say we had no trouble staying up) The drive was interesting it is really beautiful up there, I was able to go to Niagra Falls and my mom had her first out of the country experience.(because we went to the Canadian side)
So I was surprised yesterday when by chance my parents had an extra ticket to see Larry the Cable Guy live. So I went with them and I laughed so hard, and Gary and my brother do this cute little thing if they think something is funny they will look over to see your reaction, to make sure you are laughing too. Which made it even funnier. It was a good time, of course if you know anything about this guy you would know there is some shady material, but he tells it like it is. I don't think I have ever heard so many farting, butt hole, or poop jokes at one time before. It was quite the night, and to think I got to experience it with those I love most.
But really I was thinking about it and I would highly recommend for families to do that, maybe find some cleaner comedians, but I definitely think it is healthy to laugh together.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

"Someday You Will Be Loved"

Probably the saddest song I have heard in awhile, it made me cry on the way to work, (note to self; do not listen to Death Cab on the way to work.) Speaking of work, I don't know how I am going to be able to leave this place, I am in no way trying to brag, but my boss takes such good care of me/us. This morning we got a surprise breakfast, she and her colleague, brought skillets and made a country breakfast, just because. Seriously, how can you leave a place like that? It's like one big family.
Has anyone ever heard of the BBC's (British Broadcasting..)not Baptist Bible, old 80's sitcom series called "Young Ones" It is making my life more enjoyable, it's sooo funny. If you ever get the chance to, you should watch them.
This weekend I babysat 4 kids, Thur. Fri. and Sat., no, but it was really good, because I could use the extra cash, and I have been meaning to watch "Fat Albert" 20 times in a row. It did actually give me an idea of what being a mother involves, because I have forgotten a little bit of the horror that comes with having 4 kids all under 10. It also opened my eyes to the beautiful creation God made, the Institution of Family and Marriage. This eye opening experience has been nurtured by my pastor's latest series of purity. He finished it up last Sunday, and I am really glad he decided to hit on this very important issue. He went over many aspects of purity and really camped out on the sexual purity. He went so far to stress the importance of it, that he provided a free internet filter for anyone at the church. That's why I love him, he is straight forward, but he's not harsh, he gives it all in love.
Well the kids didn't stop on Saturday I stepped into the 2 year old classroom on Sunday to teach, hoping my partner would be there to help me entertain/control the 9 screaming boys and girls in the room. That's right she didn't show, I'll be honest, I wasn't in the best of moods, that quickly changed when my dad took us to Nakato's. (Japanese Steakhouse)for lunch.
It is his birthday today, any suggestions for a good present for a 50 something man who has everything he needs?

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

At the Pumpkin Patch. Posted by Picasa

I never thought I could like a boy who wore socks with sandals, but I am mistaken. Here is a picture of my nephew Oliver. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 01, 2005

You Humble me Lord...

It's been up and down at work, fun and stupid at the same time, they have been trying to boost the morale at work, hoping to have happier co-workers. Which is completely understandable, if you get 60 women and 6 doctors in the same area, all week, it gets mundane, or discouraging at times. So we had a meeting on Thursday, lets just say we had drawings and a pinata, and alot of Chocolate was involved. It just makes me laugh, at women, really, they know exactly how to get on our good side....."feed them". By the end of the day there was a hole in the Kitchen wall where a swing at the pinata went a wry. In the same week we have had some vandalism that involved human fesces and the bathroom, I don't understand I thought I worked at professional office, not with a bunch of 6 year olds.....now that I have that off my chest.
Today was interesting, I mentioned in another blog of mine, that I am starting to ride my bike to work, which I have been, it works out so perfect, when I can actually get up early enough. I am saying this so it might hopefully inspire anyone with access to a bike. It gives me a good 30 minutes in the morning and at night to spend, just soaking up the beauty God created. It's pretty therapeutic.
So today I decided to ride on unmapped territory, because I didn't have to work today I just rode at my leisure, and I only took my ipod a big peice of gum with me. There was my first mistake. I usually grab my keys, and a back pack. When I returned from a really good ride I only wanted to get a huge glass of ice water and to take a shower. I was devastated to find, that I had completely locked myself out of my house in every way. I was ok at first, so I tried all the usuall things, I thought, oh get the garage opener, nope it's locked inside of your car. oh go to the main house because they have a garage opener, ohh they are out of town this weekend. I looked in every possible place there might be an extra key.. there was none. I was phoneless, waterless, and hopeless. So I thought I would make the best of it and I went and sat on the swing that hangs in my yard, just listening to my ipod. Then after about an hour I decide to try my hand at breaking in. So after a couple of trials I finally found a window that leads to the garage. It opened for me and I had to scale a piano, and some storage and a tanning bed, it was ridiculous. But, God really took care of me.