
Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Details, Thoughts, Feelings

"I -feel -like Sushi tonight,--like Sushi tonight!"
This week is Alumni week at BBC, that means we don't have our reg. classes, we listen to wise words of some alumni of BBC. So no homework!! The catch is that I still have my Algebra class. We had a test over section 2 today, I feel very good about it, which is a 1st ever in a math class. I know I either did really good or really bad, because I actually finished every problem on the test, and I wasn't even the last one to finish, okay 3rd to the last but that is major improvement trust me. I have my brother in law Derrick to thank for this new found life in my math world. He is amazing he stayed up until 3 am with me until I understood everything. Thanks Bro.
"Kansas City, --Kansas City, Here I Come!!"
going to KC for the weekend w/my friends Erin and Wes, It will be a blast. Well I have to get ready for my Birthday Party, BBC is throwing me just a small get together at Incredible Pizza, it's a bigger version of Chucky Cheese. Anyway, pretty much the whole school is invited for free Pizza. Well they haven't really called it my Birthday Party officially they didn't want others to feel I was being favored, so they said it is in honor of Alumni Week, which is fine, I understand really.

Friday, March 04, 2005


That's right, I am going to be 22 on Wednesday March 9, it's hard to believe it. Life goes by so quickly, it makes me think of that scene in "Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind", when Clementine(Kate Winslet) says she can't stand the idea of wasting any moment we have in life. It's so true, we take for granted the time we are allowed.
My good friend Erin Sandoval is hanging out with me this weekend, it should be good times. We are going to a thrift store to shop!! It's my favorite place everything is a quarter and sometimes you can get a bagful for a quarter. I just found out that my sister who has been my roomate for the last 2 years is moving out this summer. It bums me out a little bit because I will miss her alot. At the same time I am proud of her for making a step towards independance. She has always been an independant woman, so I know she will do fine.
For anyone who was wondering, you can make a 2 year community college last 4 years. It's been done. I just got my degree audit from OTC, and I am still lacking a humanities class. So looks like I will be heading back to OTC next semester:) It is pretty frustrating, but I know God has a reason for everything.
Oh, this is exciting, I help out with the 3-4 year olds in Sunday School, and the 2 other teachers are going to be moving to North Carolina, (They are married) that's not the exciting part though, because I will miss them greatly. But this will give me an opportunity to lead the class. I am nervous, but this is a good opportunity for me.
My Pastor had a good message on Sunday, we are going through a financial series. I like it, -godly pointers on how to manage money. He said something that has really stuck with me this week, He said "our lives as Christians is not about accumulation, but about simplification." It hit me hard, because of course I like to accumulate, In America where marketing is a huge industry, it's hard not to want the newest, coolest, and latest. So this is something I am trying to work on. I went through my closet and I shed alot of stuff. I know I can do more but I guess it's going to be a process. I am really looking forward to simplifying my life.