
Saturday, June 18, 2005

A Grateful Heart

Do you ever feel like you don't have a minute to yourself? I am seeing how important that is to me, and how much I took all that time for granted back home. I am not complaining, do not misunderstand, this is merely an observation that has presented itself lately. I am finding it hard to set out time to journal, or read, or any of these things that I hold preciously to my heart because there is a constant flow of people here and around. This is my challenge, that I hope not to overlook this summer, because I know I need that time, and I am not myself when I don't take the time to spend with God.
I do on the other hand love the fact that there is always a loving face nearby. I have never personally lived on a college campus in my life and always wondered what I was missing out on, I love that I get this opportunity even though this camp experience is nothing like a college, there are still roomates and meal times I feel that I have not been cheated the "living on campus" experience.
I am always encouraged by the new people I meet here, they all have aspirations and dreams, there are so many talented people in the world. I was reminded by my friend Cody, that God created each one of us with our own gifts and talents, we weren't shot out of some "people making machine" God took the time to give us individuality he personally made us. He probably doesn't know but it was uplifting to hear that, after a pretty rough couple of days.
It''s funny how the littlest things that happen can alter your perception of yourself, even when they are typical occurrences that noone should read into. I read into them and doubt my abilities and even worth.
Thank Goodness for a merciful God, a unique God who can work in ways that I can't even imagine. I am pretty excited to hear the messages that the speakers are going to bring this summer they are from Leviticus and it sounds like they are going to be relative to Christians and their role as servants and tools of God.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

It feels like home to me

"It feels like I'm all the way back where I belong."
WE arrived on Sunday afternoon, here at camp. It was everything I hoped it would be and more. Right away we set out to Riverside and on the way back ended up in some town far from camp, So we haven't quite mastered the way these highways run. If I get lost enough, soon I won't have any trouble finding anything.
I love how it's not hard to adapt to living here, I might be speaking too soon, but even last year I just fell into place, It was like second nature. It might have to do with the fact that there are a few familiar faces from back home, and the fact that I know this is temporary, and in few months I will be leaving.
I seem to be struggling in the area of patience and discernment, when it comes to even my closest friend, I hate that but for some reason, I am short, and haughty, which is never pretty on anyone. It's only on occasion but it is still hurtful. The funny thing is after a few of these episodes, I began reading C.S. Lewis "Mere Christianity" and the first chapter was on quarrells, and such, which I thought was absolutely what I needed to hear.
So this is just the beginning of a beautiful relationship.