
Thursday, May 12, 2005

Hoops, Loops, and Steps

Have you ever wondered, "Why didn't anyone tell me this?"
I have been asking myself that alot lately, I won't bore you with every detail so for your sake I will only give one example. So I bought a new car, no big deal right, obviously I have to get a loan, ok, then I have to have insurance, understandable. Oh wait a minute the headlights don't work, that's ok it's probably the bulb, oh turns out it's the switch well, "well we have to order that." (two weeks later) my part's in! take the car there leave it, "Wrong part sorry:(" My title finally gets here! through the mail, (two weeks later) parts in, headlights work, Need state inspection, (12$) Now get it registered, Check list: 2 forms of i.d. proof of insurance, title, property tax receipt, inspection, and of course $. ( at the Motor vehicle bureau) the first sign says "Accept cash and Checks only" huh, I never really carry hundreds of dollars around. So I get an estimate, have to go to the ATM. (back at DMV) ohhh, you only have your father's tax receipt, yeahh we need yours," I have never owned property" I scream inside my head. Did I mention that it was about 92 degrees outside, at this point in the day, I have a "Church and Missions"final across town in an hour. So I found out that I have to go to the county courthouse to get a waiver stating I don't owe any money. Park go in the wrong building, walk a block down the street, go to basement, tell her information, go upstairs talk to a man who I have to convince that I have lived in Greene county the last two years, it was a close call I almost had to drive 30 min away, but that is the one step I got to skip. He signs my waiver, and I 'm off to another DMV. THere I wait in line for 40 minutes to give all my information and my $. So that I could legally own a 98 Toyota Camry.
Now I ask why didn't anyone tell me this would happen when I buy a car. I feel cheated, but I guess I need to get over it. Anyone who can relate with this is probably thinking, there are alot of other frustrating situations out there. So I just wanted to share this observation I have made about my life. I have yet to find a simple act, it seems everything takes at least 10 steps, and usually more.
I guess I need to get used to jumping through hoops, rolling with the loops, and taking the stairs in life. God is really starting to show me so many of my weaknesses, such as long suffering, but I am grateful.


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